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Sindh Emergency Rescue Service 1122 soon



KARACHI: The Sindh province has been blessed with extra-genius and outstanding bureaucrats who always strive to bring in new innovations with their untiring efforts.

Yes, Muhammad Ali Khoso, an officer of grade-20 is on the top on the list of officers who outshines and performs brilliantly whatever tasks he is assigned with.

The post of Secretary Rehabilitation is taken for granted by the officers with no major role. However, after Muhammad Ali Khoso (BPS-20) was posted as the secretary few months back, the Rehabilitation Department has been in the limelight and now considered as the major department of the Sindh government like other departments such as health, education, home, works and services.

While long-story-short, the establishment Sindh Emergency Rescue Service 1122 is in full swing as the Sindh cabinet has approved the proposed draft. The cabinet has forwarded the draft to be presented and approved by the Sindh Assembly.

While briefing the cabinet members, Secretary Rehabilitation Muhammad Ali Khoso said that Sindh does not have any emergency response service and all emergency services are dependent on welfare and non-profit- organizations (NGOs).

“There is a dire need to take extra-ordinary measures aimed at ensuring prompt rescue and relief services to millions of dwellers of Sindh. There are no ample arrangements to deal with any untoward situation in the province”, sources quoted him as saying.

The Sindh Emergency Rescue Service 1122 will have ambulance services, water rescue, fire-fighting, urban search and rescue, building safety, motorbike rescue service, community safety, imparting rescue services training to government organizations, school certification for basic life support (CPR, fire-drills, preventive standards etc).

Under the plan, Karachi will have at least six rescue stations at Leprosy Hospital Landhi, Shah Faisal, Hawksbay and Mauripur road while the divisional headquarter will be at the City Warden head office of the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC).

Similarly, the rescue stations will also be established at Thandi Sarak Hyderabad, Chandka Medical Hospital Larkana, PDMA Mirpurkhas, PDMA warehouse at Sukkur.

A proper uniform has been introduced for the cadre rescue while two batches comprising 405 cadets have received professional training from the Rescue Academy Punjab.  The command and control of Rescue 1122 is fully operational and it has the capability to deal any emergency-like situation.


SBCA working without Director Administration & Director Finance



KARACHI: The Sindh Building Control Authority (SBCA), the only authority to keep vigil on the illegal construction and builder mafia, the authority has been working without full-fledged director administration and director finance for the past couple of weeks, it is learnt.

According to sources, the most competent and honest officer of the authority namely M Mushtaq Ibrahim Soomro was performing as Director Administration and Director Finance with utmost honesty however the powerful mafia within the authority used their influence and got him transferred from the authority’s headquarters.

SBCA Director General/Chief Executive Abdul Rasheed Solangi issued an order on August 7, 2024 transferring the most competent officer from the post.

“Mushtaq Ibrahim Soomro, Director (BS-19) Administration and Finance (SBCA) Headquarter is hereby transferred and posted as Regional Director (BS-19) Hyderabad Region (SBCA) vice Engr Syed Ali Mehdi Kazmi, Regional Director (BS-19) Hyderabad Region (SBCA), who has already been allowed to work as Additional Director General-BS-20 (SBCA) on his own pay & scale”, according to notification.

“M Mushtaq Ibrahim Soomro, Regional Director (BS-19) Hyderabad Region (SBCA) is also allowed to look after the charge of Regional Director (BS-19) Mirpurkhas Region (SBCA) in addition to his own duties, until further orders”, the notification adds.

Soon after the transfer of Mr Soomro, the posts of Director Administration and Director Finance remained vacant as no officers were posted on the vacant posts since August 7, 2024. “Now the deputy director is forwarding most important files directly to the Director General, sources disclosed.

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Bajari Mafia – Karachi’s Safoora Town under clutches of Mallah brothers



KARACHI: It seems that every person in the Sindh’s Local Government Department has become powerful mafia as there is no proper check and balance on appointment, transfer and posting of employees in the most important department and the “Might is Right’ rule prevails there.

The same is the case with Town Municipal Corporation, Safoora, District East, where Mallah brothers have become mafia with the alleged political backing from the Chief Minister’s House.

According to insiders, Munawar Hussain Mallah, Town Municipal Commissioner, TMC Safoora, District East has badly hit the performance of the town administration led by the elected town chairman adding miseries to the lives of citizens.

Interestingly, Munawar Hussain Mallah, an officer of BPS-17/SCUG Service (Admin Branch), carries two fake service profiles that included his appointment on December 22, 1995. Later, he was promoted to BS-16 on October 27, 2011. He got another promotion to BS-17 in 2019.

Insiders disclosed that Munawar Mallah was initially appointed as UC Secretary in Karachi’s Quaidabad area and drew salaries as secretary union council for couple of years.

The seniority list, issued by the Local Government Department, Government of Sindh, in year 2010 did not include his name anywhere in the list. How come is it possible that Mr Mallah got promotion from BS-16 to BS-17 in 2016?

It is mentioned here that Munawar Mallah is brother of most corrupt official namely Maqsood Mallah who recently blackmailed his bosses as he was under severe disciplinary action for his massive financial corruption. He also put a major dent on the performance of most competent and honest Secretary Sindh Local Government Board Piyaar Ali Lakho. Presently, Maqsood Mallah is on stay from the Sindh High Court just to avoid any legal and departmental action from the department.

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System Works – Najmi Alam’s front-man becomes powerful mafia of Sindh’s livestock, fisheries



KARACHI: In blatant violation, Advisor to Chief Minister on Livestock and Fisheries Department Najmi Alam has appointed his front-man Agha Saeed as focal person of the Livestock and Fisheries Department of the Sindh Government, it is reliably learnt.

The Sindh’s livestock and fisheries department has always been a hot-cake where financial corruption of billions of rupees were corrupted and many investigations underway by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB).

The world famous corruption made by Nisar Morai is still in the minds of the people and yet again the prominent ‘SYSTEM’ finally entered into the department in shape of installation of Najmi Alam as advisor. Under the rules, no outsider or private person can be installed as focal person, sources say.

Now, the project directors of foreign-funded multi-million projects engineers, development experts and all other official dealing with development schemes and budgets would directly report to Agha Saeed, the front-man of Najmi Alam.

Agha Saeed is a low-grade employee of the Sindh Local Government Department, who has brought into the Livestock and Fisheries Department by Najmi Alam. His appointment has shocked almost every officer of the department and a wave of unrest prevail among their ranks, sources added.

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