KARACHI: The Sindh Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA) is a technical vocational training authority established by the Government of Sindh in 2009 which is aimed to regulate the technical and vocation institutes of Sindh.
At the time of Independence, technical education was offered in the Engineering Colleges with total annual intake capacity of about 350 students in three fields of Engineering (Civil, Electrical & Mechanical).
The 1st Polytechnic Institute, now Govt. College of Technology (GCT), Karachi was established in 1955 with assistance of Ford Foundation, USA. Now, there are 252 TEVT institutions in all over the province.
In Sindh, TEVT administration until recently was in fragmented manner and controlled by three different departments i.e. 182 Institutes by Education & Literacy Department, 34 Institutes by Labor, Manpower and Human Resources Department and some and 16 Institutes by the Social Welfare Department.
Due to lack of coordination these departments were performing overlapping functions, especially in the area of vocational trainings and do not focus on effective control and did not align to Federal / Provincial Policy Framework. Besides, infrastructure of these institutions in terms of buildings, equipment, machinery and faculty did not meet national and international standards. Due to proficiency gaps trained manpower was not acceptable to local & international labour markets.
Keeping in view, the changing domestic and international labor market requirement and in line with the scheme of reorganization of TEVT Institutions adopted by other provinces, the provincial government established Sindh TEVTA to undertake & manage TEVT Institutions in the province. In order to extend complete autonomy & effective management, the policy making task has been entrusted to the STEVTA Board consisting of eminent professionals, from public & private sector, representatives from leading industries, universities etc. Sindh Cabinet in its meeting held on 28th February 2009 entrusted, the administrative control of all TEVT Institutions of the province to STEVTA.
STEVTA Courses:
The STEVTA offers G-II certificate program with the duration of 2 years. It also offers G-III certification program and this program has the duration and span of 1 year.
Then competency based training certificate program CBT and other of the short courses of level I, II, III, they are of duration of 3 months, 4 months and 6 months. The government vocational training institute for boys and girls and government vocational training centre for boys and girls, they are offering these subjected degree programs.
Admission Procedure:
To be the part of G-II certificate program, you should have G-III certificate. If you want to apply in the G-III certificate program then you should have done matriculation or equivalent education.
For these competency based training programs CBT, for level III, you should be level II passed. To apply in level II, you have to be level I passed. If you want to apply in the level I phase of this CBT program then you have to be matric passed or you can have too equivalent education.
For certificate and for other and rest of the short courses, you can be literate up to matriculate. Minimum age to be the part of these certificate programs and short courses should be 14 years and maximum age that has been notified by STEVTA is 35 years.
Key Features:
They offer skill oriented kind of training programs. Professional courses are certificate programs are offered by STEVTA. You get on-job training and also get the chance to make and carry out industrial visits. You are offered career counseling facilities. You get to know how to competitively make use of your skills. Internship opportunities and apprenticeship programs are offered to you. STEVTA too offers your employment opportunities as well as placement opportunities.
To be enrolled in STEVTA’s 1- 2 year of diploma programs, you can get your admission package from concerned one institution of yours. Then you have to submit this admission form at your concerned and related one STEVTA institute. Rest you can get in touch with their regional offices.